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HOMEActivitiesSupporting Environmental Conservation Activities

Offers the materials for the environmental education
To support individuals, companies and NGOs who active in environmental issues, the Japan Environmental Association(JEA) registers environmental experts as Environment Counselors, manages the F.Michiko Environmental Fund and the Tokyo Gas Environmental Fund aimed at providing grant for regional environmental activities and conducts research on Environmental NGOs.

F.Michiko Environmental Fund

The Fund was established in 2002 with a grant from the Environmental Counselor, Ms. F. Michiko. The Fund aids financially the activities of organizations or individuals (environment counselors) who have developed active and continuous activities for environmental education and environmental conservation in their communities. In FY2007, 17 projects were selected and granted.


Tokyo Gas Environmental Fund

The Fund was established in 2007 based on a donation from the Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. The Fund aids financially the activities of private environmental conservation organizations who actively and continuously implement environmental activities in Kanto region.
The number of application for the grant in FY2007 was 82.


Environment Counselors

Ministry of the Environment set up a system for registering individuals who can provide advice and counseling, based on their experience and knowledge, to civilians and entrepreneurs who wish to undertake environmental preservation activities in 1996.
The Environment Counselors program secretariat at JEA screens�@registration applications and compiles registrant lists.
The JEA also strove to promote the utilization of Counselors.
As of March 31, 2008, the number of registered Environmental Counselors is 4,222.


Research on Environmental NGOs

To support NGOs activities and promote participation by citizens in these activities, the JEA carries out survey on the conditions of private organizations that pursue environmental conservation (Environmental NGOs ) and makes database which contains environmental NGOs�f names, locations of these organizations, an outline of activities and the means for participation in these organizations., commissioned by Department of the Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.

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(c) 2009�@Japan Environment Association