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HOMEActivitiesPromoting Enlightment Activities for Preventing Global Warming

Promoting Activities for Preventing Global Warming
To promote activities for preventing global warming, the Japan Center for Climate Change Actions(JCCCA) collects and provides available information on global warming, and support various efforts. The JCCCA also operates the Stop-Ondankan, a learning facility of global warming.
japan center for climate change actions

The JCCCA supports activities to change our lifestyles and prevents grobal warming. The JCCCA collects and provides available information on global warming, and supports various efforts. It runs partnerships integrating people, NGOs/NPOs, industries, and local governments.


Stop-OndanKan is a learning facility of global warming, in which people of all ages can enjoy. Through communications and activities using displays, 'Interpreters' promote your interests and understanding which you may not obtain only through observing and reading.
The number of people who visited the Stop-Ondankan is 16,742 in FY2007.

* 'Ondanka' means 'global warming' and 'kan' means 'a facility' in Japanese.

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(c) 2009�@Japan Environment Association